New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police (NOCOP) is a community organization currently running a petition campaign demanding the formation of a Community Police Accountability Council (CPAC) in New Orleans. NOPD has terrorized the people of New Orleans––largely Black and working-class––for far too long. It's time to put the police under the power of the people!

A CPAC is a council with the power to control the police––in other words, the council would have the power to hire and fire NOPD officers, review and approve the NOPD annual budget, appoint the NOPD superintendent, and create rules and regulations for the NOPD. The council would be made up of people who have ZERO ties to law enforcement, are elected by the community in their police district, and are long-term organizers with a track record of fighting for marginalized communities.

We join the ranks of other organizations across the US who are demanding the formation of CPACs in their own cities. We are affiliated with NAARPR, the National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression, who oversees a networks of organizations demanding the same thing. In Chicago, an ordinance that would enable more oversight of police was recently passed as a result of community organizing. Community control of the police is possible! We see it happening all over the country! Let's make it happen in New Orleans!